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« Do What You Love, or Find Love in What You Do (Part 1) | Main | Yosemite after first snow. »

December 16, 2021


Nanseng Jeng

Wonderful story! Thank you for sharing! It is a great write up, too. I see a big potential ahead.


Excellent share.. really enjoyed reading this Wishing them more and more wonder ahead.


A different path chosen. Unconventional fortitude required. Thanks for sharing!

Roger Quadra

Wow thats life freedom


Interesting. Am glad for you both, Subha and Gautam, and for your children. Lovely garden and abundant, healthy harvest! I wish you joy always. :)

“I don’t have to be the best engineer or the best mountaineer. As long as we’re giving our best and having fun at it, it’s okay."

:) I relate with this. Am there, been doing that since childhood - although not "successfully" !!

If i may have the liberty to share a realisation.... - Even greater freedom than in getting to pursue passions and pulls of the mind.. is the freedom from those passions and pulls themselves.

Prasad Vepa

Fascinating and inspiring indeed. I share so much in common w Gautam and have been to most of the places he has been to, from Ladakh to the Grand Tetons. And I was on a 10-day trek to the Annapurna Base Camp the same year, 2008. He looks like a younger and more daring version of me. Very nice to read. Thanks for sharing.

Shardamandir Friend-J

Very true do everything which you wish👌👌

Xiomara Cedillo

Is That Gautam, he is my friend too!
Aw that’s awesome, very cool story, yes he is quite a camper and explorer, say hello to all and Rays daughter incredible what she does!


I feel each one of us have something inside us which the Creator had designed for. It is something that will tug our heart when we find it. Gautam found it during his backpacking experience. Key is to listen to our curiosity and not to ignore it due to rules from others. Glad that he could meet so many folks in such a short life.


Video of Honeymoon in Honduras Absolutely brilliant, what superb photography and the capturing of expression on faces of children. The ruins, the nature, waterfalls, jungle... stunning. What an experience 👏 makes you feel, wish I was younger and able to travel such

YB Lim

Another beautiful write up and story of Gautam. Truly a joy reading this, a learning experience for me how life can be enriched ! Love all the photos too!


Wow amazing journeys and reflections!

Bill Hoddy

Being somewhat an adventurer myself, not to the level of Gautam however, his story is very appealing to me. I enjoyed his sharing his adventures with us all. Kudos to Gautam.

humble warrior

whoa... inspiring!

Cari Shim

What an inspiring story. So perfect for the year end as we reflect on the year and the future ahead. Great one!

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