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« The Forest Said Nothing, It Just Let Her Breathe.* | Main | Live the Life You've Imagined (Part 2-Do What You Love) »

December 09, 2021


humble warriro

"having diverse interests outside of work can help enhance our creativity and spark new ideas."

100% agree with this statement...

Great article Phoebe & photography

Fr SH Wong

Wonderful… CT captured some Amazing shot…! 👍👍👍


Yes he is very talented. I had real fun working and traveling with him. Systems Thinker. His creative thinking allows him to bring innovative ideas from other experiences into work.


More..First time I met CT was about 17 years ago during my visit to Penang. CT, KM and I went to cafe for our first of our many 2:1 meetings that took place during my every visit from then on. We instantly connected in thinking. Another tradition that started was CT and KM paying for my breakfast forever in Penang; 3:1 coffee, roti etc. CT and I travelled together to many countries and many suppliers, not to forget his many trips to Silicon Valley; and taking photos of Christmas Lights, Mission San Juan Bautista, California Coast. Always impressed with the way he sees beauty in things and not to forget; his amazing ability to fall asleep in any situations; In San Juan Church, by the Pond and also-to date he is the only guy who has fallen in deep sleep while I was giving him a tour of Silicon Valley. Calm under any circumstances. Great pleasure to have met him in my journey.


Very nice photo and video!

A Former Quality Guy

Phoebe - you did a great job describing CT's passion for photography. While COVID may have shut many doors, it opened others that we may not have otherwise ventured into. I've known CT since 2005, and have been on some wonderful foodie expeditions with him in far-away places. CT- your photo compositions are remarkable. Very vibrant and full of life. The drop of water swirling into the center of a leaf is truly amazing. I can't wait to hear some of the stories behind them.


Wow thats passion


Nice to learn about you and your work, Mr. Ong. Having explored this art in my little ways,I can very well relate with all of your experiences and realisations. And yes, it surely helps slow down mental activity, helps focus better, and helps open up to a degree the way we observe and perceive.

Your work comes from a sensitive mind. I feel intrigued by the play of water drops on the lotus leaves. And I like your landscapes and sunset compositions in particular. Very artistically done! :)

Keep it up, Mr. Ong!

Kalpit Shastri

Really very beautiful


Wonderful and heartwarming photos!

Shardamandir Friend


Hedda Robinson

I truly like that saying. Because if you don't love what you do--you are not happy. Thanks for's a very nice photography too...


This is very inspiring! This post resonates very much with me - especially CTs comments on how "photography is a sort of meditation", “I learn to discover beauty in everything I see”. I find that a camera not only helps discover beauty all around us, it also forces a lazy brain to focus and spend more time to truly, madly, deeply enjoy the aesthetics of the universe! Great post. Thank you CT, Anand and Phoebe.


Superb photos! CT is a great mentor for myself (when I worked with him), as well as for many engineers surrounding him.
It is not surprising that CT, with his keen focus on observation and analysis, should also be good at arts, including photography.

We may tend to assume that a specialist in one field of engineering/technology should not also be knowledgeable and accomplished in the arts. This is simply not true.

“What makes [our] world so hard to see clearly is not its strangeness but its usualness. Familiarity can blind you too.” ― Robert Pirsig


Very beautiful photo and thank you for reminding us, Phoebe and Anand, eloquently on the interplay of passion and skill. I also like to remind people that experts and experience say limitations bring out creativity so vent the frustrations first, then ponder how to get out of the limitation. Thank you.


Nice photography !


Nature's majesty captured. Thanks for sharing!

Childhood Friend

Superb photos & Photography


Great photos by CT. Had my pleasure as well to have meal with him. Great to have this passion outside work to bring in new ideas.

Prasad Vepa

I loved Phoebe's latest post. Resonated a lot with me and felt like my sentiments. The sights look familiar, but I don't think I took these pics. BTW, I loved Phoebe's latest post. Resonated a lot with me and felt like my sentiments.

Elizabeth Wu

WOW🤩Superb Photography! i love them all❤️❤️❤️

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