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« Success does not discriminate: The Jewel in the Palace | Main | Wouldn’t You like to be his Neighbor? »

March 11, 2021



Fun chats! Lots of human potential to still unlock! :)


Fresh eyes to see as a child sees. I lost much of this as I gain experience and try to be efficient!

Shardamandir Friend

My grand daughter who leaves in Germany 6 years old have made full barbie house from packing materials



Back in Tyme

Giant empty refrigerator boxes were always more fun than any game or toy purchased at a store.


There's a lot of truth to this. People who are more resourceful achieve what they want to get out of life in comparison to people who have the resources but didn't do anything about it. I became more resourceful when no one pays attention to me when I was growing up (being a middle child).. My lola was there for me. I made do what I have and expanded it. Now, being alone I tell you that doing things that my husband used to do at home is a great achievement for me as well....(I know--lawnmowing is easy, but we Filipinas never--ever--operate this back home)...and yes, changing bulbs....or getting a broken bulb from the socket--I did it with a potato that I learned googling's a learning process but I am happy doing it. Unless it's complicated- I hire a professional.

Thanks Anand and hope you have a good Friday as well...


Let’s keep growing!


Thanks Anand for reminding us this key aspect of our thinking. We put ourselves proverbially in a box because we feel that it can be used for one thing. I work a lot with lasers and am always amazed at the thousands of things it can do across so many industries. Sometimes, we forget this truth about ourselves.


Explains why spoon fed children often have less achievement levels.


Very interesting!
That is I suppose thinking out of the box! 👍👌


I like the FR animated cartoon; so true. Also, logic / reading stay in the domain of the known offering why something cannot be done, while imagination leading one to keep exploring alternative paths and solutions.

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