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« One Person Who Was There For Every Single Person | Main | WE RISE BY LIFTING OTHERS »

December 17, 2020



Interesting. Helen Keller's line is brilliant! Simply brilliant!

BG fan

“You never know really what's going to be a hit, you just know what you love,” Barry Gibb tells USA TODAY by phone from his home in Miami. “But you've got to want to do it more than anything else.”


Thanks. I love their music but didn’t know much about their lives.

Harshvir Singh

Bee Gees was certainly one of my favorites and this article today has not only rekindled my interest but also given a different outlook and respect to the group. Very Inspirational !!!!!


I have had a good read. I'm still a fan of this group up to these days and continue listening to their music once in a while.


I like Bee Gees too!

FR Team

‘Excellent detailed review of the movie.

The Bee Gees: How Can You Mend a Broken Heart’ Review: The Enthralling Documentary They Deserve


Beautiful Morning, eventhough tears rolling down.


Thanks for the memories of those days gone by. Loved Bee Gees Then and Now


Bee Gees: such a musical gift to the world. Their music was heavenly, but they're mortals just like all of us, with all the glory, trials & tribulations. Thanks for sharing and for the memories of one of the most talented musical groups.


To FR Team
About Documentary Link: very well writte piece! I’ll look for the documentary and watch it, Anand. A wonderful trip down memory lane! 😊

Still Puzzled

Never understood the backlash against disco and BeeGees. Even while out of the spotlight as performers, they continued to write very popular songs for other singers. And hardly no one know that their favorite songs were written by bee gees. Same thing with village people. Why the backlash? These are just singers and performers, backlash should be reserved to show contempt for pressing issues like lack of covid response. Backlash to music is unnecessary. The opposite has occured for rap and hip hop and current top 40 music. Most is violent misogamist and uses foul language directly or through innuendo. There hasnt been a backlash against any of these musics. Disco was extremely innocent compared to whats been going on for last 30 yrs in mainstream music. In fact no permanent backlash against singers who resort to violence. Ex..... Any my two cents. My two cent to give to you. Ypu charge a penny for my thoughts What happens to the other penny? Lol


Thanks for sharing this time at this time. Due to COVID, I am sure a number of people are experiencing a "bend in their lives" which they never predicted. Now, each of us have a choice to make changes to adapt to the new normal. BeeGees demonstrated that by being constantly involved in their music in different forms!

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