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January 15, 2015



We all learn from our defeats and regrets. They make us a better person.

micro CEO

I am not a sports fan, but the topic is of interest to many out there. Boxing is a romantic sport that is the subject of many films and is believed to be a ticket to success for poor but ambitious fighters.

Is it not odd that in boxing do athletes get to choose their opponents and decide whether and when to fight? Are there any other sports with such incredible convenience to the player rather than the organizers or the fans. Well perhaps there is the marathon runners who can choose their competitions. Any others?

We think about team sports and the player joins a professional team, the team is integrated into a league, and the league dictates the schedule of play. Or there is a tennis tournament one can join where the player interactions are decided in advance. If one forfeits a game due to injury or preference one loses by default.

Why should not boxing be subject to the same simple rule? Even if there will be no teams or leagues, one could simply decided that once challenged (fairly), a fighter can either fight or forfeit.

But that hypothetical measure Pacquiao would already be the winner. He could have made a public statement to say, I challenged Mayweather and if he does not accept, I declare myself the champion by default. On the other hand agreeing to Mayweather's skewed demands for more than half of the purse strikes me as an admission that Mayweather is superior (or at least more popular with fans?) and that he, Pacquiao, has more to gain from the match than Mayweather. Perhaps there is truth to that suggestion (is it true that Pacquiao, now 38 years old, is in deep financial trouble for alleged tax evasion?)
and Mayweather remains undefeated (47-0), though a fighter like Mayweather should be either retired or active (we discount representations of 'Schrodinger's boxer'), and the same goes for Pacquiao (is he a congressman or isn't he?!).
It's a crazy sport...but we already knew that.

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