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« A Matter of Perspective | Main | Warren Buffett's Magnificent Seven »

February 20, 2014


Pulao Penang

Great sharing, I like #4 best. It applies in our life, eg :communication, learning new thing like yoga..etc

Singapore Sling

Very good one… how are you doing?... I was in santa clara on Feb 13, on the way back from Vegas, but missed you… I did think about you though

Any plans for travelling this side? Would be great to catch up with you.

micro CEO

All very good advice. Thanks for sharing. Glad to hear that your coaching paid off, and the guy got the part, too!
I guess winners just know how to win. So working with winners and learning from them is a great strategy.

Reflection point #3 reminds me of the great Yogi Berra, who once witted, "In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice there is."

Mark Dennen

I thought about this reflection, about how emotional perception is valued differently in acting than in a real life. We watch movies, but I think it is easy to get caught up in it, forget it is not even close to reality, even the gun sounds are added after the fact and of course, nobody gets hurt. In real situations, people get hurt so they are incredibly focused, keep their emotions under control less they make a mistake that can cost them their lives.

A while back, my wife and I had dinner with another couple. Bob, the husband, was a very quiet man who showed little emotion. He had been a SEAL Commander for 23 years, had seen it all, much of which he did not like, but he explained, "As a SEAL, you don't have to like the job, you just have to do the job." Far different that the way they are portrayed in the movies, but then Bob lived the real deal. He told me that only thing which truly shook him in his entire life was when his first wife died of cancer. Bob, like many of us, was a "fixer" and this was one thing he could not fix.

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