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January 10, 2008


Micro-CEO in training

Good use of suspense. I'll "stay tuned":-)
Large Italian customer was Olivetti? That's the only Italian electronics company that comes to mind...

I wonder if there is any merit to an argument that smaller companies (or organizational units) are better at quality precisely because they are "small" (i.e. by necessity of survival, they are caring/responsible, efficient, non-bureaucratic, agile, committed). If we follow that line of argument, then the best way for large corporations to ensure good quality is to ensure that it's organizational sub-units are "small"... at least small at heart.

Rich L

Good article. I was debating this with a work mate.

"Never Having to Say You Are Sorry" doesn't mean "Never say No to your customer" or "Never point out issues that your customer is having". Especially for the small guy, setting clear expectations is of greatest importance and helps a lot with your credibility.

Extrapolate this back to your relationship analogy. It would not be a healthy relationship to expect your partner to never say "No" to you, and you'd be feeling like you were in an abusive relationship if you could never say "No" to your partner!


I found this blog via Y-Combinator. I liked the article but feel compelled to reply to the comment by Rich L. What a load of crap. Touchy-Feely attitudes like this will be the demise of Western businesses - we are all too busy having a group hug while competitors in other countries cut our throats.

Let's say I am a big company (like Wal-Mart, Microsoft or AT&T) and you are one of my suppliers. I'm the 800lb Gorilla of the industry that accounts for most of the spending.

You would love to have my business. You might even need it to survive. But you better be sure I have a second or third source for your product lined up, and they all more eager than you to have my money.

I will have no hesitation of dropping you an in instant for a better performing supplier if you screw up. That's just business. If you don't like it, become a social worker.

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